The position of Overseas Territories, on the United Nations list of Non-Self--Governing Territories was recently discussed in British Parliament. The issue was brought up by Conservative Member of Parliament Blake Stephenson on January 30th session.
1 commentThe Falkland Islands Government (FIG) is in the process of considering the potential for the future development of large-scale, commercial salmon-farming activities in Falkland Islands waters. An in-depth public consultation on a set of development proposals, including a proposal that large-scale salmon-farming is not permitted, is planned for mid-2025.
Add your comment!The management of the Falkland Islands Government’s (FIG) investment fund portfolio of £400m has been awarded to HSBC Private Banking UK (HSBC) after a competitive process. FIG reviews its investment management on a periodic basis and last year decided to undertake a formal tender.
Add your comment!Friends of the British Overseas Territories, FOTBOT, plan to visit the Falkland Islands this month with Parliamentary Adviser, Baroness Foster., together with the charity’s CEO Philip Smith.The former First Minister of Northern Ireland, Baroness Foster of Aghadrumsee is a House of Lords Parliamentary Adviser to FOTBOT.
6 commentsPremier of the Virgin Islands, Honorable Dr. Natalio Wheatley, has been elected President of the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA) and will also serve as President of the Political Council.
Add your comment!“Only the Falkland Islanders can and should decide their own future. Our position regarding the Falkland Islands is steadfast, and our commitment to defending the Falkland Islanders right to self-determination will not waiver.”
1 commentA very active month for sports in the Falkland Islands particularly with the coming Girls and Women in Sport International Day scheduled on 05 February. With this in mind the Falklands National Sports Council, NSC, is coordinating a series of social media posts and events to highlight a selection of the many women in Falkland sport as well as offering some opportunities to have a go at some sports that women might not have considered previously.
Add your comment!Argentina this week launched a month long cruise assessment of the sub-Patagonic squid, Illex Argentinus, on board the Ocean Fisheries Research Vessel, Victor Angelescu. The area of research will extend between parallels 46 and 51 degrees south.
Add your comment!The Falkland Islands Government Equalities Project will be holding several ‘Equalities Focus Groups’ throughout February.
Add your comment!Falkland Islands main medical facility, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) wishes to provide a further update on the previously advertised hospital inspection with a team co-ordinated by the UK Health Security Agency.
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